World Thrombosis Day is a campaign of the International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis to raise awareness of this condition around the world. As participants in this global initiative, a Patient Symposium was held at the Ottawa Blood Disease Centre. During the symposium, multiple presentations were given by clinicians of the blood disease centre, including platform co-leads Dr. Marc Carrier (Training & Mentoring) and Dr. Grégoire Le Gal (Clinical Trials). The symposium was led by Dr. Lisa Duffett, co-lead of the Patient Partners platform. The event was well-attended and well-received by over 70 patients, who asked many great questions. To end on a high and active note, a free Zumba exercise class was offered, since regular exercise reduces one’s risk of venous thromboembolism. The first time participating in World Thrombosis Day was a huge success and there are plans for a bigger and better event for 2016.
If your organization is interested in participating in the World Thrombosis Day campaign, please visit for more information.