Research Training Awards: Fellowships & Studentships


The purpose of the CanVECTOR Research Training Awards is to provide financial support for highly qualified, promising trainees or fellows to allow them to pursue research training in thromboembolism at a Canadian centre.  The area of training must: 1) align with CanVECTOR priorities, 2) be research focused, and 3) be supervised by a CanVECTOR member.

CanVECTOR offers two types of research training awards to the medical and scientific community: Fellowship and Studentship Awards.

Competition Partners

These training awards are available thanks to the generous support of our partners. Academic partners that have contributed to the fellowship awards include Dalhousie University, Schwartz/Reisman Emergency Medicine Institute (SREMI), the University of Ottawa, the University of Toronto, McMaster University, Université de Montréal, Université de Sherbrooke, and Université Laval. See our full list of partners here.

One Fellowship award will be granted the Thrombosis Canada-CanVECTOR Fellowship Award in each Spring competition. All applications will be reviewed through the same process. Thank you to Thrombosis Canada for continuing to partner with CanVECTOR to support our fellows.


Fellowship Awards


The Research Fellowship Awards competition is a biannual (Fall and Spring) competition administrated by the network's Training, Mentoring, & Early Career Development Platform.

Eligible candidates: MDs that aim to become clinician scientists or clinician investigators in venous thromboembolism (VTE). 

CanVECTOR clinician scientist:

  • Is committed to devoting a substantive percent (≥ 75%) of their professional effort to research
  • Has formal training in research methodology (MSc or PhD degree)
  • Develops and leads research projects (assumes the role of principal applicant for grant applications and principal investigator for research execution)

CanVECTOR clinician investigator:

  • Is committed to devoting a portion of their professional effort to research
  • May (or may not) have formal training in research methodology
  • Contributes to the development and conduct of research projects (may participate as a co-applicant for grant applications and co-investigator for research execution)

Number of awards available:   

Up to 6 awards may be granted per year, depending on the applicant mix and availability of partner funding

Amount of the award:   

Fellowship: Maximum of $50,000

Term of award:

Granted for 1 year

 It is expected that the awardee will seek peer-reviewed funding during the first year to support any subsequent years of training (if applicable). 

Award renewal: Priority for fellowship and studentship awards will be given to new applicants. If additional funding is available, renewal applications will be invited and considered. It is expected that renewal applicants will demonstrate evidence of substantial progress in achieving their research objectives. Applications from trainees who have actively participated in CanVECTOR activities will be viewed favourably.

Thrombosis Canada-CanVECTOR Fellowship: One Fellowship award will be granted the Thrombosis Canada-CanVECTOR Fellowship Award in each Spring competition. 

Competition(s): Now accepting applications for the Fall 2024 Fellowship Competitions.


Graduate Studentship Awards


The Graduate Studentship Awards competition is an annual competition administrated by the network's Translational / Basic Science Platform.

Eligible candidates: enrolled in an MSc or PhD program and are interested in conducting basic science or translational VTE-focused research. .

Number of awards available:   

The number of awards administered each year will be based on funding and eligible applications received

Amount of the award:   

Studentship: Maximum of $10,000

Term of award:

Granted for 1 year

It is expected that the awardee will seek peer-reviewed funding during the first year to support any subsequent years of training (if applicable). 

Award renewal: Priority for studentship awards will be given to new applicants. If additional funding is available, renewal applications will be invited and considered in the subsequent competition. It is expected that renewal applicants will demonstrate evidence of substantial progress in achieving their research objectives. Applications from trainees who have actively participated in CanVECTOR activities will be viewed favourably.

Award Priority: To better promote the growth of VTE research and CanVECTOR goals across Canada, priority will be given to applicants from institutions and working with supervisors who have not yet received CanVECTOR funding.

Next Competition: Stay tuned in Spring 2025 for the next Call for Applications.