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Paul Kim

Scientific Steering Committee

Paul Kim, PhD
Coresponsable, Plateforme des sciences fondamentales/translationnelles

Dr. Kim is an Associate Professor of Medicine at McMaster University. He is the Executive Director of the International Society for Fibrinolysis and Proteolysis (ISFP), as well as the current Chairman of the International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis (ISTH) Scientific and Standardization Committee (SSC) on Fibrinolysis. His research interests include characterizing the mechanisms and pathways that regulate fibrinolysis and coagulation at the protein and cellular levels, and further extending his findings in animal models. Through these channels, Dr. Kim hopes to bridge basic bench research and clinical relevance closer. Dr. Kim’s research is supported by CIHR, NSERC, ISTH, CanVECTOR ERLI award, and McMaster University Department of Medicine Early Career Award. Dr. Kim also leads COVID-BEACONS, a CIHR Rapid Response funding initiative that hopes to identify biomarkers that predict clinical course and outcome in COVID-19 patients. He is also a partner of the CanCOV platform as the expert in coagulation.


Il est titulaire d’une chaire dotée en recherche cardiovasculaire à l’Université McMaster, laquelle est financée par la Fondation des maladies du cœur et de l’AVC de l’Ontario (FMC). Il est également titulaire d’une chaire de recherche du Canada de niveau 1 sur la thrombose. Il dirige un laboratoire de recherche bien financé, axé sur la biochimie de la coagulation sanguine et la fibrinolyse en lien avec la thrombose veineuse et artérielle. Membre du conseil d’administration de la FMC de l’Ontario et président du Comité d’examen scientifique de la FMC du Canada, le Dr Weitz a publié plus de 400 articles évalués par des pairs et 54 chapitres de manuels.